Friday, May 27, 2011

Baby Aston's Progress

As of today Aston is 2 months and 9 days old.  Till today I can't believe how much he has grown! I mean yes obviously baby must grow but not at this rate! I noticed that he's beginning to outrgrow his newborn shirts.  Looking back at the photos that I have taken so far this is how he progress since birth.

2 Days Old

1 Month and 2 Days Old

2 Months Old
Hopefully, I will be diligent enough to take photos at least once a month to see how my baby progress.  Ahhh.. I still cannot believe it! Anyway, lately Aston's schedule has changed and is much more predictable.  I actually adopt the 'feed-play-sleep' throughout the day and things been working really well.  Although he's not sleeping through the night well... in textbook terms he's pretty much is consider sleeping through the night but not in my terms.  On good days he'll sleep for about 5-6 hours straight while on not so good days he'll sleep for about 3-4 hours so which means I only do one feeding at wee hours in the morning.  As for daytime naps, he's been doing 30mins nap and then he will wake up and play for a while and fall asleep again or he will last till he's next feed.

As a comparison to my previous entry, this is what my schedule looks like now:-

6.00am      Change diaper, feed and sleep
8.30am     Change diaper, feed, play and sleep 

11.00am   Change diaper, feed, play and sleep

1.00pm     Change diaper, feed, play and sleep

3.00pm     Change diaper, feed, play and sleep

5.00pm    Change diaper, feed, play and sleep

6.30pm    Bath, feed, play and sleep

8.00pm   Change diaper, feed, play and sleep

Well, again after 8.00pm I still can't predict he's schedule yet because at times he will wake up around 10pm for his last feed or he will sleep till about 1am.  At times, around 7.30pm when he sleep after bath he can sleep through past 8pm and wakes up at 10pm instead.  Anyhow on the average, after midnight I will usually need to feed him once between 3-5am depending on his last feed.  

By the way, the above schedule went a little cuckoo on the day we went for his 2months jab.  Oh boy it was horrible I must admit.  He was super clingy and was a little feverish.  He was not himself at all.  I couldn't even get him to lie down without crying while I fetch his milk or change his diapers.  This lasted for about 3 days and thankfully the clingyness subsided and he's a happy boy again.  I'm suppose to bring him again for Rotavirus and pneumococal tomorrow.  Oh it's such a drag to re-live that episode again! Hopefully, these two vaccine does not have any side effects! 


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Papa vs Mummy

Today my baby is officially 2 months old.  I can tell that he can see much more now because he's more responsive these days compared to last month.  We can have little baby conversations for about 10 minutes or so with lots of oooohhs and ahhhhss and there's one particular sound that he always make which sounds like 'OK'! I love it when we have this little conversations.  At times he even talks to himself and laugh out loud... aahhh that really melts my heart.

Anyway, I'm still not back to work yet.  No 1 we do not have a helper and no 2 papa (yes the father of my child would like Aston to call him papa instead of daddy....) and I argued last night after having Mcdonalds for supper! Aaaarghh either I was grumpy or we had a huge miscommunication! Many times I asked papa that who is going to be at home when the maid take cares of Aston.  He answered the current maid that we have.  Many times I answered how can??? I guess papa thinks I was joking! Even before I was pregnant with Aston I have told him many times that I would much prefer to take care of our child myself rather than leaving to the maid.... again papa have this perception that I cannot stand being at home taking care of a child because I'm so used to going out tea and long dinners with my girlfriends! Papa even mentioned that he was left with a babysitter and he turned out fine... but then he also mentioned he's was a babysitter and not a maid.  Then papa said I'm too attached with Aston.  Speechless....

In conclusion, I stand firm that I will not leave baby Aston with 2 maids home alone while I work! I rather have no maid and take care of baby Aston all by myself and forgo my holidays! Worst come to worst I'll just bring Aston along for all my dinner and tea sessions! Hmmph!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I just went for my 6 weeks postpartum check-up this morning.  As usual, doctor greeted with a big smile and asked how am I and whether do I have any concerns.  Straight away I said that I'm very concern with the bleeding and again she reassured me that it is normal.  She then explained to me that while I'm still breastfeeding it will take some time for it to return to normal.  She mentioned that some women will not have their period while breastfeeding.. while some will start immediately.  I also mentioned that the research I did online said that I should only be bleeding for about 6 weeks max and she assured me that there's no 'max' to bleeding.  I just have to let my body adjust itself and usually I should be able to tell by the 3rd month.  Oh gosh I thought this is really payback for 9 months not having my period! The amount of pad that I have used since delivery is close enough to 9 months supply! The annoying part is that there are days you will see some spotting and there are days you see nothing and suddenly you see a bit of blood clot when I pee! Arghhhh... when will it be normal where I only wear for 7 days once a month? Anyway, in addition, I had my pap smear done which I was not aware of well not as in totally didn't know but I was expecting the same degree of pain as before but thankfully this was a breeze.  She also did a scan from below to check my uterus and she assured me that there's nothing left behind and everything is normal.

Anyway, while she was doing the pap smear she was mentioning whether have I return to work and that's when I said no because there's no one to take care of my baby and on top of that I can't seem to let go and trust anyone to handle him.  Then she said that's not good I may be going into post natal depression!! She repeatedly mentioned that I must let go.  She then explained to me that is good that I open up and tell her about it before matters gets worst.  She advised me to get out of the house at least twice a week without the baby and just have a cup of coffee or some grocery shopping to unwind.  She also mentioned that by doing so I will be a better parent as my mind is refreshed and I will be able to handle Aston better when I get home.  She repeatedly asked me to go on a date with hubby and just leave Aston at home to be taken care by someone else.  She also said that if I continue on not letting go I may get into really bad depression which requires medication and I may turn up one of those mother's who are so possessive over their child that kindergarten teachers do not like.  She also explained why the rate of post natal depression is higher in western countries because they do not get as much support and help from their family as compared to Asians.  She even suggested that I bring Aston out after the 3rd month to meet up with friends.  Maybe I should start a mummy's club among ourselves and meet up once a week at a baby friendly place to have a chat.  Is there any baby friendly cafe in KL?

I've been very worried with my body too! I've been repeatedly trying on my jeans and it just wouldn't fit! I also tried my cargo pants which used to just hang on my hips and now when I tried it on I can't even buckle! Looks like I have a huge butt now! Eventhough my weight is very close to my pre-pregnancy weight but I don't feel that way at all due to my physical appearance especially my tummy! I have also been diligently putting on stretch mark creams and thank god that the doctor commented that they are fading already! Yayyy! I asked doctor whether I can start to exercise she said I can start walking but not running and no sit ups and swimming yet.  She said I will need to wait for another 3 months before I can start doing sit ups or swimming or running because even now with mild exercise I may still feel muscle pull.  Oh well.. like one of my friends suggested is time to go shopping!