Two weeks ago, I started Aston on semi-solid food as advised by his paed. I started off with rice cereal. I am a lazy mother so I bought instant rice cereal instead of boiling porridge for him. Well, the doctor did mentioned that the first time attempts they may just take just a few teaspoon or may not even take in any ! Anyway, went to Cold Storage and bought Earth's Best Organic Rice Cereal.
According to the packaging, it is USDA organic which means no growth hormones, antibiotics, steroids or potentially harmful pesticides or herbicides. It is made with whole grains and iron fortified. Most importantly, there's no added salt, sugar, flavours, colours or preservatives.
As advice, by the doctor we must introduce one food at a time and test it out for a few days just incase there's any allergy reaction. I tested the rice cereal with milk/breastmilk for 4 days. I was very excited more than Aston himself during the first feeding as I do not know what to expect. It was a pity that I didn't manage to take any photos because I was feeding him alone and I couldn't handle holding my camera and feeding him at the same time. Anyway, the first feed I made it rather watery to see how he reacts to being spoon fed. The first spoonful I put it near him and he didn't know what to do so I touched his lips and left some cereal for him to taste. Second spoon I tried to open his mouth with the spoon with a little bit of cereal. Third spoon he's beginning to get the hang and start sucking out of the spoon. It was so funny because when he sucks the cereals started flying everywhere and then he will give this big smile telling me that he's enjoying himself. He managed to finish everything on the first trial itself which is just one tablespoon of rice cereal. Second day he was still sucking out from the spoon but I tried to get him to open his mouth everytime the spoon is near him and tip the cereal into his mouth. He didn't had any problems swallowing so I thicken the cereal slightly and he enjoy every bit of it!
After the fourth day, I moved on to sweet potato puree. I made the puree myself. I bought some organic japanese sweet potato from Jusco and used the Thermomix to steam and puree it.
Thermomix |
All I had to do was to put the sweet potato into the steaming basket (the little basket in the picture) put in some water into the stainless steel pot/jug and steamed for 25minutes (until soft). Then I poured the water away and put in the sweet potato into the stainless steel pot/jug and puree away! I then freeze them using ice-cube tray and once frozen I transfer it into ziplock bag for storage in the freezer. So everytime, I just take out one or two cubes and warm it up using the bottle/food warmer.
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