Thursday, July 5, 2012

Aston's Progress @ 15months

My little baby has grown so much.  He can understand most of the things that we asked him to do.  He definitely knows what 'NO' means but choose to ignore it.  We are still waiting for him to utter his first words.  He still babbles a lot but none of us understand what he is trying to say.  He can walk really well and recently he even walk backwards.  Sometimes he gets so excited that he try to run but usually we will ask him to slow down because he had too many little accidents at home!

One of the major changes I noticed in him is that he is slowly outgrowing his separation anxiety.  *Touchwood* Hopefully, I don't jinx myself by saying this.  He does make noise when I try to leave him alone for a moment but after I explain to him that I will be back really quickly he will continue with whatever he was doing.  Nevertheless, he do still feel insecure when there's visitors around and that includes relatives.  Some relatives will say that he's too protective by me and that I don't expose him enough but for me I'm OK with it.  I rather he is more cautious when there's someone he is not familiar around him.

I can tell that he really enjoys Gymboree both the playclasses and music classes.  Although, I must admit he much prefer to be in the play classes because he gets to roam around freely while the music class his movements are being restricted.

Physically, he looks like he has lost a lot of weight.  I suspect that he looks thinner because he has grown taller.  Well, either he has grown taller or his pyjamas shrunk! He usually wear one piece sleepsuits to sleep and I intentionally bought it one size bigger so he will always have extra space at the foot but recently the sleepsuits fit him perfect with no extra room!

Let me end this post by sharing a few photos of Aston.


  1. It seems like everything HAPPENED JUST YESTERDAY, but they are growing so quickly!!!!

    Such handsome little chap I see! When is the next gathering for our children to gather gather and play play.

    1. Yeah! I was thinking maybe during the Raya or Merdeka break we can do something together with the rest of the babies!
