Friday, January 6, 2012

Aston's Progress @ 9months

I just realised that I have not blogged about Aston's progress at 9 months.  Frankly, the month passed by so quickly that I have no idea what to blog about Aston's progress!? Oh...yes let's start by Aston's recent statistics.  Aston now weighs 8.8kg and 70cm in height.  It seems that Aston had dropped from his current percentile in both his weight and height but the doctor assured us that he is still very healthy and I should continue what I'm doing.

Aston now eats 3 solid meals a day and he has progressed from being a vegetarian to a meat eater.  Yes, I have finally started introducing white meat to him.  He doesn't seem to enjoy it as much maybe because the meat is not as tender as it should be and caused him to choke occasionally.  I tried my best to make the meat as fine as possible from using commercial mince pork to even chopping the meat myself but somehow  some of the meat still turns out quite chunky for Aston.  Again, I am in such a dilemma because the doctor did mentioned that I should be introducing lumpy food to Aston but what consist as "lumpy" food? I noticed that even soft carrots that I chopped instead of mashed he will still gag.  Anyway, I still continue to puree the vegetables especially vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage before putting into the porridge.  I am still waiting for hubby to buy me a handheld blender so that I can make more variety for Aston such as chicken & vegetable stew, instead of porridge every lunch and dinner.

Well, in terms of development Aston can crawl a little bit now but loves to try standing when holding onto a bolster or our body.  Anyway, here are a few of Aston's latest photos.

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