Effect No 1 --- Sensitive Skin
I've been popping zits like nobody's business lately and it's all around my chin area and occasionally between my mouth and nose. If it's a mole I will look like Cindy Crawford but unfortunately it's a huge pimple! I have red patches all over my cheeks and 'T' zone. My skin felt like sandpaper everytime I washed my face. It used to be smooth! I hope this will all go away soon. Feeling very down everytime I looked into the mirror.
Effect No 2 --- Hair Fall
Hubby agreed that my hair fall is outright SCARRY! Yes! That's how he puts it. The amount of hair loss everytime I washed my hair is so bad that I felt like I must be balding somewhere! Everytime after my shower I looked at the drain cover it scares the s**t out of me because is full with my hair! In addition, everywhere I step my foot in there are strands of my hair on the floor. Aaarghh!! I think I'm shedding like my dog! I hope this will end soon because I'm very worried that I will get bald patches at such young age! What's going to happen when I have my second child! ?
Effect No 3 --- Heavy Bottom
I've been repeatedly trying on my pre-pregnancy clothes and sad to say it looks like I'm not getting back my body. A simple Baby-T and jeans somehow doesn't flatter me anymore. Simply because my tummy is oozing out of my jeans that I had to hold my breath to button up. I'm not requesting to have a flat tummy because it was never flat before but at least not a muffin top! I bought a pair of gap jeans that's suppose to be bootleg but because I had to accommodate my huge hips it looked like a mum's jeans when I put it on! How long more do I have to wait or is this permanent?? I still want to look good in cargo pants!!
Let's hope and pray that all this will end and I'm back to being myself and a cool mama to Aston.
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